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You will need a blogger account - click here to see our video on “How To Set Up A Google Blogger Account” - and access to a domain name service provider in order to get the best from this tutorial.

Hook up with a Domain Name Service to purchase a Domain Name. In this example we will use Go daddy to buy a Domain Name. Click here if you need a Domain name and are ready to buy one now - Once you have purchased a Domain Name come back to this tutorial.

If you already own a Domain Name and have access to the admin area for your Domain Name service the next thing to do is log into your Google blogger account.


The administration area of your blog is where you will write and post articles for the world to see.

If you haven't done so already you will be required to create a new blog. Each blog can have it’s own URL. In the Title area give you blog a name “AMP Fantastic Foods” for example. In the Address area type in a temporary Domain name as you will have to go with the blogger version first and change it later  - You will notice that “” will be automatically added to the end of whatever you type in this box.

One you have chosen a suitable name you will see a notice that says “This blogger address is available”.

Onece you have saved these setting you can then point your custom domain name to your blogger front end - the part of your blog that your visitors will see

While still in your blogger admin account let’s navigate to the “Setting” area and look for the where is says Publishing and Blog Address. You can do this from the menu on the left hand side of any other way that you know.

In this area you will notice text that says “+ Set up a third-party URL for your blog - Point your own registered URL to your blog.” Click on that blue link to view the “Third-party domain settings “.

In the “http://” box type the name of your custom domain ensure that you type in the www.protion of the address. The click save.

Staying in this window you will now see the text that you will need to copy & paste into your domain name setting of your domain name service providers admin. The two main feild you need to consider are the “Name, Label or Host field” and the “Destination, Target or Points To field “. copy these values and be ready to paste them into your domain name service providers admin for the custom domain you wish to use.

Name, Label or Host field
Destination, Target or Points To field

Login to your domain name service providers admin and find the place where you edit your CName document. If you don’t know where to find it you can always ring up your service provider and ask them to walk you through it. Godaddy are particularly helpful in this regard. Click here to call them.

Updated your CName document and save changes.

Now save the changes on your blogger admin account and you are done. When someone types your url into a browser they will be presented with your blog.

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